Determining Liability When Bad Weather Contributes To An Accident


When an accident occurs in bad weather, many people like to blame the elements, such as the rain, the wind, and ice, among other things. However, the mere presence of inclement weather will not absolve you of liability after an accident. There are other factors that the court will look at when apportioning blame. Here are a few examples of such factors: Your Driving The government expects you to drive reasonably, especially when the weather is bad.

19 October 2015

Do Appendicitis Victims Have Legal Options When Improperly Diagnosed?


According to a CNN article, appendicitis is among the top 15 disease that are often misdiagnosed by medical professionals. Even so, does it mean that you have the right to pursue legal action against the doctor who failed to properly diagnose you or the hospital at which that doctor works? WebMD says that one in every 15 Americans will get appendicitis at some point in their lives. It is most common for individuals between 10 and 30 years of age.

7 October 2015

Accidents And Negotiating For A Fair Settlement Offer


If you have been in an accident, you are entitled to compensation if you have been injured through no fault of your own. You may be aware that the at-fault driver's insurance company will take care of your automobile damage and your medical expenses, but you may also be entitled to a monetary payment for your pain and suffering. There are steps you can take to both trigger an offer from the insurance company and ensure that you are fairly compensated.

23 September 2015

3 Things You Need To Know Before Filling Out Your Long Term Disability Claim


Sustaining an injury that renders you unable to work can be devastating. If you have recently been injured, then you know that long term disability payments can help you overcome the financial hardships associated with a serious injury. To ensure that your claim is processed as smoothly as possible, it's important that you are prepared before you fill out your disability claim. Here are three things to review before filing to increase the odds that your claim will be filed successfully.

17 August 2015

Evaluating Whether Your Employer Is Liable For Your Company Retreat Injury


Whom do you turn to if you are injured during a business retreat? Depending on the circumstances of your injury, your company may be one of the parties liable for your injuries. For example, the company may be responsible for your injuries if the retreat satisfies these five conditions: It Is Mandatory If you have to attend the retreat, then it means that it is work related. As you know, your employer is liable for injuries you may incur while on the job or undertaking work-related services.

30 July 2015

Do You Need Help With Your Truck Accident Case?


In a car accident case, it should be fairly easy to determine who is at fault. Failure to yield, failure to signal, reckless endangerment, failure to secure a load—these are all fairly straightforward faults to prove. On the other hand, in a truck accident case, you have much more to consider besides just these traffic violations. In the case of any semi driving down the road, there are multiple entities involved in the packing and maintenance of the truck, and each of these can play a part in an accident.

28 July 2015

Can You Get Workers' Comp For Your Particular Injury?


When it comes to workers' compensation benefits, some injuries are not covered by your employer's insurance. Most injuries that are suffered in the workplace are covered, but there are some notable exceptions. If you are preparing to file a claim for benefits, it is important you know whether or not the insurance company will pay for your injuries.  Are Injuries Outside of the Workplace Covered? A common misconception about workers' compensation benefits is that your injuries must occur within the workplace to be covered.

22 June 2015