What Is Comparative Fault?

Law Blog

Filing a personal injury lawsuit can be a pretty arduous experience. You will need to deal with a lot of paperwork and a lot of laws, which means that you might get a little overwhelmed. To help you out, here is a brief overview of one of the most important laws that you will need to deal with: comparative negligence. What is comparative negligence? In simple terms, comparative negligence is a doctrine that weighs the responsibility of the plaintiff when it comes to calculating compensation.

28 January 2016

Antipsychotic Medications Can Cause Serious Side Effects In Elderly Dementia Patients


If you believe a beloved relative with Alzheimer's disease has experienced harmful side effects from an antipsychotic drug administered in a nursing home, contact a personal injury lawyer for assistance. Some nursing home staff members resort to providing quetiapine, risperidone and other antipsychotic medications to patients who become agitated or even violent, but the drugs often cause damaging results even if the patient's behavior improves.  Antipsychotics and Mortality in Dementia Patients

14 January 2016

What To Know About Fault In Auto Accident Claims


If you have been the victim of a careless driver, you are entitled to several types of compensation from the other driver's insurance company. Medical expenses, vehicle damage and more could be coming your way once your claim is settled. You should understand, however, that the issue of fault could play a part in how much compensation you can expect, and that sometimes this issue is more complicated than at first may appear.

31 December 2015

Understanding Personal Injury Attorney Contingency Fees


If you or a loved one suffered a serious injury because of someone else's negligence, you may be interested in hiring an injury lawyer to obtain a settlement if the insurer is disputing any claim for financial compensation. Another reason to hire an attorney is if you have received a settlement offer, but it seems unreasonably low. People often worry that they won't be able to afford a lawyer. However, personal injury attorneys typically work on a contingency basis.

17 December 2015

Dealing With Maximum Medical Improvement And Workers' Comp


If you have been injured due to a workplace injury and are in the process of being compensated through worker's compensation, you may hear the term "maximum medical improvement" or MMI. You should understand that being deemed at a level of MMI doesn't mean that you are about to lose your medical treatment benefit from workers' comp. MMI is an important factor is in the continuation of your benefits, so read on to learn more about it and what might happen next in the process.

9 December 2015

What If You Are Involved In A Car Accident With An Unconscious Driver?


If you are involved in a car accident in which the other driver had a medical emergency while driving, it might be difficult for you to recover payment for your damages and injuries. The driver could rely on the "sudden medical emergency defense." Before taking action, you need to know what the defense entails and what legal options it leaves you.  Sudden Medical Emergency Defense Depending on the state in which you live, there is a possibility that the driver responsible for the accident in which you were injured might not have to pay for your injuries.

11 November 2015

Suing Your Chiropractor for Malpractice: Do You Have a Legitimate Claim?


If you sought out treatment from a chiropractor for a back, neck, or sports injury but your condition did not improve or got worse, your chiropractor could be liable for damages under the context of medical malpractice. However, certain conditions must exist in order for a malpractice case to stand up in court. If you decide to file civil suit against your chiropractor, here is how you can tell if your case has merit.

28 October 2015